I have two beautiful tubs of daffodils blooming outside of my door. I love daffodils. When I visited Steve and Lorraine the spring of 1989 (when Cameron was born) to help out for awhile there were no daffodils. I had not realized that daffodils bulbs had to have cold weather to be able to bloom I learned not everybody has God's gift of daffodils in the spring. I love daffodils. I love spring (fall is still my favorite season but I do enjoy spring too)
One of the main reasons I love spring so much is it makes me think of my Mom (Grandma Young to most of you). She always loved spring and I see her in every daffodil, tulip and lilac bush when they bloom. She would sometimes say to me as she got older, "Just don't forget me after I'm gone. " As if I ever could. She was such a special person and I still miss her terribly. It doesn't seem possible she has been with the Lord now for 7 1/2 years.
The times I really miss her is when something special happens. I find myself thinking how much she would have enjoyed this or that if she could have been there. Especially when we go to things the grandkids are doing and knowing how proud she would have been of them . She would have just been thrilled to watch Aubrianne and Tanner dance. She loved to watch dancing on TV. And she would have enjoyed our energetic Savanna on the soccer field and she would have been so proud to have watched Cameron and Aubrianne graduate last spring. She would have claimed hugs from Spencer and Riley and Kyler and Ethan any chance she could have. I am so glad that all of our grandchildren were born before she left us so she did get to see them all. Ethan was just a baby but she still got to hold him and love him for a short while. They would all have enjoyed her so much.
She was just that type of person she was. People loved her. Kids loved her. I can not even remember how often I would come home from school and find one of Jean's friends sitting at the table with Mom even when Jean wasn't at home just talking to Mom. My girlfriends went to visit her long after I was married and out of town just to be with her. She was quiet and behind the scenes but so full of love and gentleness and always ready to listen.
Many times when something special happens I still find myself wanting to share it with her but that will have to wait and when we get together again it's a good thing we will have eternity to talk because we will have so much to catch up on.
Love you , Mom. - Enjoy the daffodils in heaven - I'll be along eventually and we'll catch up.
I do the same thing... I think of Grandma whenever the kids do something special too... I wish I could send her all the cards I make... wouldn't she have loved them?
I went through a period a bit ago where I just desperately missed all the grandparents... we were so lucky to have all of them for so long.
Well said!
We all loved them! Thanks for the memories!
It is amazing how many of Grandma's phrases and words are part of our family's vocabulary now. Grandma would always say with a laugh, "that's just terrible," but she would pronounce it Tur-a-bull. Even now we still pronounce terrible the same way! And whenever I tell the same story, my family will always give grandma's response to grandpa's story, "Mustard, can you imagine?"
Thanks for reminding me of my grandma today.
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