Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Don'tcha love surprises !

Surprises are fun not matter what shape they come in. I think everyone loves them.
Come on, girls, isn't it fun when your husband comes home with a dozen red roses for no reason at all. I know that one made brownie points for my husband when he did that way back when he was working out of town a lot and had been gone for some time. One dozen long stemmed red roses. How could he go wrong there ! Very impresssive it was, I must say !
Anyway, today I sat here looking at my e-mail etc and thought I really should blog something but all was a blank. So I got up and started doing other things. I guess God looked down and said "OK, I guess I'll give her a surprise and she can blog that.
So about an hour ago He started sending big - I mean BIG - silver dollar size snowflakes coming down. Like, I mean, this is six days into spring - Jackie mowed our lawn twice already this year -and believe it or not this is our first snowflakes of the year (including all fall and winter of 2007) Is that a surprise or what !!
But He knows I love snowflakes so I think he did it just for me. It has been snowing big flakes every since and the lawn and trees are all white. My birdies are scuddling under the trees and Chester is sleeping under the house, not on the porch in the sun like he has been doing in the afternoons. Bob put gloves on and took a cup of hot coffee instead of a soda to do his lightship duty this afternoon.
So I finished my WW lesson for tomorrow night, now I'm home alone, the house is quiet, soft music is playing, just fixed myself a latte. What a beautiful afternoon. Just wanted to share this afternoon with you all !
Hope you are all having a good one too !

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