Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Aristarchus ? ?

Do you know who he is. Along with Tychicus, Epaphras and Justus.
All very special people to the Apostle Paul in the book of Colossians.

As I read thru these guys names this am during my quiet time suddenly I got to thinking
about these very long some unpronouncable names of people in the Bible.
I realized I tend to skip over a lot of them in certain parts of Scripture not
really thinking about them being just as real as us and holding a
very special place in history and many times in our future.

Take the "begats" for instance. We get to Leviticus in a 'read thru the Bible"
attempt and many times it is easy to get bogged down during this section.
And yet every word and name in Scripture is put there for a very specific

Can you imagine how you would feel if your name was included in the Holy
Bible - WOW - These guys and gals are very important.
I'm afraid I have some research to do before I get up there and one of them
heads over to me and asks me how I felt about his/her comment or his/her story
that was related in one of the books of the Bible.

How very special every person is that's listed in Scripture. Take note
next time you get to reading and check them out. Who were they related to, what can we learn from them and how can we glean more information about our precious Lord because
of their relationship to Him. What could be more special than to have that personal
relationship with our God and Savior in the flesh!
Gives me goosebumps just to think of having that opportunity.


Anonymous said...

You have hit (quite eloquently) one of my favorite soapbox topics! I love how personal the Bible is and how it records individuals' triumphs and shortcomings and the love, grace and mercy that is available to all!

Keep Posting!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do that same thing. Often I gloss over the names and wonder why they are even listed yet I know God has them in there for a reason. Couldn't God just be more clear?? It will be thrilling to meet these people someday and get the whole story.