Monday, October 19, 2009


Don't you just love it when God uses ever day things in your life to prove a point when you begin to question things ???

In our church small group study this fall we are going thru a book called "Respectable Sins."
Last night we studied a very thought provoking chapter. It was on anxiety, frustration and worry....basically the opposite of trust in God thru all things that take place in our lives ! It says anxiety is a sin because it is a lack of acceptance of God's providence in our lives. He is orchestrating all events and circumstances in our lives because He loves us and knows what is best for us.

But think about that, do we really act like that when some of our plans change and/or we get bad news about something or someone and we get anxious and worried about the situation. When thing don't go as WE planned! Usually we get all frustrated and worried when something doesn't go right - traffic is tangled so we are late for a very important meeting... or someone in the family is going thru a crisis and we can't understand why God is allowing that!
How could God allow that if He really loves us."
We had a great discussion last night about how God often intervenes in our lives with circumstances when we have no idea He really is controlling the situation (good or bad) because of His love and care for us.

This morning He reinforced that in my life with my sweet kitty and an eagle.
Chester had been in all night and I let him out when I got up as usual. Then noticed a short time later he was at the door wanting back in. So I opened the door...he went to his dish and ate a short time, then headed back to the door and meowed to go out. JUST AS I OPENED the door in the closest huge evergreen tree near our back yard I saw the huge wide spread wings of one of our local eagles that live close by as he landed in the tree. We see them quite often flying over but they usually don't get this close.. He fluttered his wings a bit then settled in on the top branch so he could see over the whole neighborhood.

Now, let me explain, one day awhile back while I was at the animal shelter we had a lady call all shook up because she had just watched an eagle swoop down and grab her kitty right out of her back yard....SO what immediately came to my mind. "Sorry, Kitty you are not going outside while he is sitting up there." The screen door was still closed, so I shut the inside door - much to his dismay. He always goes outside in the morning and is out most of the day.

So he looks up at me with those pitiful big eyes of his as if to say " Well, let me out."
Now I tried to explain to him that it was dangerous out there for him right now and I was keeping him in because I loved him and wanted him safe and it was for his own was not a good thing for him to be out there right now. Do you think that he bought that !!!
No way, I had changed his routine for the day. He immediately began meowing at me. Now he generally has this tiny little meow that you can hardly hear but when he gets upset that soon grows into sort of a howl he drags on and on with. It can be very grating on the nerves... but I was determined he was not going out as long as that eagle was looking for breakfast!

SO for the next 45 minutes I kept trying to keep him on my lap, convince him that his plan right now to go outdoors was not a good idea even though I had changed his plans, upset his whole day and ruined his agenda. HIS idea was not my idea of what was good for him right now !
That's when it hit me. That was exactly what we were talking about last night.
He was frustrated with me because I had changed HIS plans.
Don't we do the same thing with God when He changes our plans. All we see is our point of view not God's overall knowledge of what might be on 'the other side of that door and up in that tree."

So folks, the next time your plans or agenda doesn't go as planned, sit back and think about my kitty just knowing what HE wanted but totally oblivious to what was lurking outside.
We really do need to put our trust in God when things don't "go our way" and be willing to "give up our agenda" and trust Him !


You know God really does love us and knows what is best for us in all circumstances whatever the reason we get our noses bent out of shape with anxiety, worry and frustration.

"Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7


Lorraine said...

So very true. Nicely put.

Anonymous said...

Great story ... thanks for sharing! I used an abbreviated version this afternoon with a lady .. God touched her heart through your story! Donna