Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Truth Project

We are just finishing up a 12 week study called "The Truth Project" at our Small Group this coming Wednesday night and we found it such a thought provoking study wanted to recommend it to anyone who has a chance to go through it. It is put out by Focus on the Family and is an In-Depth Christian Worldview Experience. It starts out with lesson 1 is "Veritology: What is Truth" and covers a different area of truth each week.
2 is Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?
3 is Anthropology, Who is Man?
4 is Theology, Who is God?
5 is Science, What is True?
6 is History: Whose Story?
7 is Sociology: The Divine Imprint.
8 is Mystica: Am I alone?
9 is The State: Who's Law?.
10 is The American Experiment.
11 is Labor: Created to Create.
12 It finishes up with Community and Involvement: God Cares, Do I?

It has been such an eye opener to some deep thinking that I hadn't thought much about before. It dealt with four fundamental issues: Truth, God, Man, and the Social Order. At first I thought "Wow, this is deep." But the more we got into it, it became very clear that the ultimate goal was not to simply gain knowledge but to look upon the face of God thru it all - and be transformed in the process. Very rich teaching and very thought provoking.
If you ever get a chance to attend it, don't miss it !!

Besides the study, we had a great time gaining friendships with a really neat group of people. Everyone was very regular and we formed a bond with the group very quickly..
Had a surprise birthday party last night with the wife of the leader and had more time to just visit and grow closer together as a group in a social setting. We have had one couple over for dinner last week and found a lot in common with them. We sorted of bonded with them as they were as new to the group as we were. Most of the other folks had known each other in church for a long time and had been in previous studys together so we as "newbys" sort of hung together at first especially. God is so good to help us develop new friends and begin to heal from leaving our past church.

There is so much excitement here at NCFF and we are eating it up.
Attended a baptism a month or so ago where about 20 or so people were following the Lord in the waters of commitment. A week or so ago we had the Children of the World concert tour with about 20-25 children from Uganda do the both morning services. Fantastic!
This morning our Sunday School children all came down the aisles waving palm leaves and singing hosanna and did a song on the stage. (It's great to have so many children around.) Had our weekly "new baby" born announced the bulletin today. At least, it seems like it is almost weekly, we have so many young couples (Pastor Glen says " Don't drink the water !")

Next Sunday for Easter, both services will be held in the Seaside Convention Center. Reaching out to the community is the main emphasis of the church and it is being executed in SO many different ways. That is Pastor Glen's real passion - to reach those in need on the coast as well as cultivating the lives of the Saints.

Can you tell we're excited. We picked up membership forms a bit ago and will be getting them in soon.
Hugs to you all...

1 comment:

Jan said...

Dee...I'm so glad that you're in a church environment where you can learn, worship, and also be nutured.