Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What Kind of an "Oholic Are You ?

Come on, I know all of you out there are some kind of an 'oholic - I know that isn't a real word but you have to fill in the first part. Hadn't really thought too much about this but when we were on vacation it sort of hit me. (Do you always take the pens from the motels ? --And the shampoo and lotion even if you don't use it. You should see all of the cute little different shaped bottles of shampoo I have under my sink.
Do you go to home shows just to see what kind of gimmicks they give away (with their name on it, of course) You know all of the little freebies that you probably never use....
Or can you never pass up a new bag or container (or whatever your 'ohlic is) of some kind at a garage sale. After all, it is only 50 cents and I just might need it sometime. Purses just jump off of the shelf into my cart at stores. They really need to train them to stay put when they display them. MY garage sales are usually full of ones that I found out I really didn't need. My sock drawers are FULL but then they have such cute sox now days and EVERYONE knows that your sox must match your shirt so it takes a lot of them. (And my scrapbook room - we won't even go there !!!)
But come on - be real and honest - you all have something you collect whether you need it or not. Come on - fess up. I rarely ever hear from any of you so BE BRAVE - BE BOLD - EXPOSE YOURSELVES - LEAVE ME A COMMENT. WOW, does that scare you.... I know some of you read my blog because I often hear "Oh I heard that because I read it on your blog.
SO I know you are there but lurking in the shadows. Cathy bribes people with prizes just to draw them out of the woodwork. I'm also too cheap to do that. Pretty sad, huh !
But back to addictions and and 'oholics guess we all have our odd little quirks in life.
But then, whatever, at least I'm not out there sitting in all those casinos we saw on vacation wasting my money. I'm just too cheap to give up the money in my hot little hand to try because I know those big fancy places are not built without lots of customer money... Face it - chances of a BIG win is pretty slim. And then if one does win, there is the greed of maybe I can get more and so go on until all you won is gone too. So whatever --- we all have our vices.
So I'm off today to the animal shelter to catch up on two missed weeks of being a "kittyoholic."
But that's a fun one I'm not giving up.


Anonymous said...

I have a thing for bargains and office supply stores. When I find a bargain at an office supply store....it's a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, La Chel

Cathy said...

Pretty paper. I just spent $8 a sheet for imported Japanese paper when I was in Seattle.

It's sick, really.

Steve said...

Disc 'o holic lately! Ask my wife! But Tech 'o holic would be a close second.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe I'm a "used" oholic. It seems like I tend to like things with a story behind them. Used houses, cars, clothes, decor . . . anything. Luckily my husband was pretty new when I got him but even he was a little used. Used and loved is how I like my things. I draw the line at used undergarments. That would be wrong.