Thursday, May 29, 2008

Indiana Jones

We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie yesterday. We waited several days because we figured it would be busy. We were right. We almost got claustraphobic !!! There were 43 people in the theatre - two of which were sitting in OUR seats.
Yes, we are spoiled - we always go to the matinee and we feel crowded with the four or maybe even five (on a good day) people in the theatre with us. Can you imagine that. Not many people go on weekdays late afternoon. Ocassionally we have the theatre to ourselves. (the fun of being retired) Makes us remember the fun days of working at the theatre when we met. We would go up in the balcony (which was closed except for really busy days) and watch movies alone. Really cool ! The manager got mad though if we took our hamburgers up there because the french fries would smell.
Guess theatres just never got out of our blood ! Too many fun memories of when we worked together when we were dating. We are so excited to see our D & R theatre in Aberdeen when they get done restoring it. That is where we met. Had our first kiss backstage on New Years Eve 1957. How's that for a memory! They had the new marque up when we were in Aberdeen last fall. Haven't heard any more news of how it is coming along now. It is a very beautiful theatre inside and I hope they restore it basically like it was in it's hayday.
It is so interesting how minds work alike after 48 years of sharing life together.... We saw a really shiny, totally polished black car in town the other day and were both quiet for a minute and then Bob said "Does that make you think of Mr. Evans?" My mind was just pondering the thought but I hadn't mentioned anything yet. Mr Evans was our boss at the theatre. He drove the shiniest black car anyone had ever seen and he had a special parking spot in front of the theatre and no one dared to park there when he was in. It wasn't marked but everyone knew NO ONE parks there but Mr Evans. He kept the car absolutely spotless, I never saw a speck of dirt on it.
Anyway back to Indiana Jones. Very typical - constant chases, fighting, swinging from trees, going over three waterfalls - coming out dripping wet and yet having a match to light the torch when they get to the dark, scary, full of creepy things, cave....
Yes, Indiana Jones is older and not quite as agile as he was in the last movie and they don't hide the fact. He even makes some boo boos but then we all do as we get older. He's just my age in real life but I don't plan on jumping from car to car or get stuck in quicksand anymore. Like I ever did !)
As you can see, it is full of action and entertaining very "Supermanish" but that's what makes it fun. Good movie if you like action ! Worth taking in for a night (or afternoon) of entertainment.

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