Saturday, April 12, 2008



Daughters are special people and today I have to tell you about one of mine. She is a very special young lady and she came into our lives when our son was in high school. He was turning out for the school play and rehearsals were after school so since we lived in the country and he was bussed to school it made sense for him to stay after without coming home first. Little did we know at that time that "staying after school" would change our lives. Because for some reason he chose to go to a certain young ladys house to wait for rehearsal.
One thing led to another and sure enough a few years later she made our life complete becoming our second daughter-in-law and the perfect wife for our Ken. Let me tell you it is always a little scary when your children begin to date. Parents always sort of begin to look at that person with different eyes and say to themselves "what if he/she is the one." Sometimes that can get a little scary. But each time this happened to us, we couldn't have been happier with their selection.
So back to our La Chel - she is a very special little lady to us and is a great match for Ken.
After all, Ken was never too interested in fixing things etc as he grew up and how many of you know a young lady that would buy a beautiful new dress for a prom and then returned it so she could buy a tool box full of tools. God does pick our mates to compliment us.
She fit into our family like a glove fits one's hand and we are so proud of her and she has now given us two more beautiful young ladies to have as our grandaughters.
You are a very special person in our lives La Chel - We love you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the very kind words and thank you most of all for the wonderful son you raised that I am so proud to call my husband!