Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Morning

Hi everybody ! That's sort of redundant since no one but Steve knows I now have a blog!
He set me up this Saturday while Jan, Lorraine and I were out sprucing up Jan's living room and visiting furniture stores. Guess we should tell someone I am up and running, huh Steve !
Thanks for getting me on.

This the first time I had a chance to sit down and try it out so here I am feeling
sort of like that recent post of Cathy's where she has the cartoon with the guy staring out the window looking for something to post.

Can't guarantee how often I will get on here but suppose it will come with time.
Like I really have anything going on around here of interest but we will see.

Thats it for today.

Hugs to you all


Lorraine said...

Yippee for you!! Now you can tell us all your deep, dark secrets and we won't tell anyone else. No, really, I'm so happy you are on and look forward to your thoughts and wisdom. Love you.

Steve said...

Mom, If you have a picture or pictures you want to use along the right side above or below the previous posts and archives just send me the picture. Or if you want a listing of friends/family blogs over there I can do that too.