Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rain and Racoons

Woke up this morning to a rainy day. Not too unusual for around here but it meant I had to haul out my two remaining "in tact" flower pots onto my front porch in wet weather.
I had five pots full of flower bulbs out there but now only have two remaining as our local racoons decided my bulbs would make a good snack so I have been sweeping up dirt and remaining bulb pieces off my deck lately. SO last night I decided to bring my two last pots
indoors and set them in the den for the night.

However when Chester (our kitty) came in he began sniffing them and I was afraid he would decide to use them for a litter box so I hauled them out into the garage. I just carried them back
out - not too sure how long that will last but I really do want some spring flowers.

The daffodils in front have large buds on them already and will soon be open but they are in the ground so the racoons don't seem to bother them.

Oh well, we all have our space and they just decided some of mine was theirs so I guess we can share. They are Gods creatures placed here for a purpose so I guess they have some rights too.

Off for a busy day - will be on the run from 9:30 am to probably 8 or so tonight.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday -One of my favorite days

I woke up this morning with joy in my heart. That sounds funny but Tuesdays always make me happy. It means that I get to go out and be with the shelter kittys. It used to be hard because I wanted to bring them all home but now I realize after four years of volunteering out there that how I can serve them best is to give them the love they will get when they get a new "forever" home while they are waiting for God to lead the right person to bring them into their home.
It is scary for them to be in a new setting and most of them just sort of huddle in the back of the kennel when they first come in but it is fun and rewarding when we see them begin to accept their temporary safe surroundings and their personality begins to come out and they get bold enough to come out and play. That is the reward of being there when they decide you are their friend and love them. That's when they will curl up on your lap to be petted and get some of that love.
Except for the kittens who are usually too busy chasing each other or bouncing off the walls until they get worn out - then they flop and fall soundly asleep totally exhausted. I guarantee you cannot be in the same room with a kitten for any length of time before you will have a SMILE on your face. They are so full on fun !

So if you need some sunshine in your life, don't overlook adopting a little (or big) ball of fur.
The reward will be yours and I can promise hours of fun and companionship.

So I guess you see why my blog has kittys on it. Yes, I am a kitty lover .
Cats of all sizes (especially tigers in the big variety !)

Anyway, that is my thought for the day. Enjoy your day. I'm heading out for some "kitty love" because I benefit as much as they do with our day together.

Have a good Tuesday !

Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Morning

Hi everybody ! That's sort of redundant since no one but Steve knows I now have a blog!
He set me up this Saturday while Jan, Lorraine and I were out sprucing up Jan's living room and visiting furniture stores. Guess we should tell someone I am up and running, huh Steve !
Thanks for getting me on.

This the first time I had a chance to sit down and try it out so here I am feeling
sort of like that recent post of Cathy's where she has the cartoon with the guy staring out the window looking for something to post.

Can't guarantee how often I will get on here but suppose it will come with time.
Like I really have anything going on around here of interest but we will see.

Thats it for today.

Hugs to you all

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My first post

Hi This is a new adventure