Friday, May 27, 2011


The days go by so fast sometimes we don't even have a chance to sit back and appreciate all of the blessings we have in our lives ! It is just the first of the month and then the next thing I know it is the end of the month. Now, lo and behold, the year of 2011 is nearly half over. Where has it gone.

LIFE IS GOOD ! Our God is in control of every little detail and all we have to do is trust Him for every day and we are secure in His arms.

We have had a busy year so far but it has been good. Started out with a great (belated) mid January Christmas with all of our family at a beautiful spot in a lodge on the mountain. Snow all around ...what could be more Christmasy!

Then came spring.... I love spring. It always makes me think of Mom as she loved spring. The daffodils push their golden heads up thru the ground brightening up every day even if the days are still gray and sometimes even rainy.

Then a little later our goldfinches arrive at the bird feeder. They add more golden cheer to the days. Yesterday I saw eleven of them all trying to feed at the same time. That just doesn't work so some of them are hanging on the wire that holds the feeder until one of the others leave so they can have a chance for their breakfast. We had to buy a new feeder this year because the old one we had held too much seed and they were emptying it by mid day.... this one is harder for the BIG birds to feed at (they eat TOO much) and our smaller birds have more of a chance to feed. The seed gets spendy so now they are on a limited diet : )

So LIFE IS GOOD... Everybody is happy and moving on in life. Our grandkids are growing up so quickly. We have #4 (Tanner) graduating from high school this year. That puts us 1/2 way thru graduations.... Four more to go after Tanner this year and they will ALL be out of high school.... Time and generations march on....

So such is life on this special day. I say "special" because each and every day is special but we so often forget that. Live each one for the beauty it has in it and don't worry about the ones gone by (there is nothing we can do about them) and don't worry about the ones coming up because the Lord had them all planned out for us and remember HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US and He has the rest of each of our lives planned out to every last detail for us ahead of time so we can just rest in His arms and enjoy life to it's fullest.

Love you all !