Friday, May 27, 2011


The days go by so fast sometimes we don't even have a chance to sit back and appreciate all of the blessings we have in our lives ! It is just the first of the month and then the next thing I know it is the end of the month. Now, lo and behold, the year of 2011 is nearly half over. Where has it gone.

LIFE IS GOOD ! Our God is in control of every little detail and all we have to do is trust Him for every day and we are secure in His arms.

We have had a busy year so far but it has been good. Started out with a great (belated) mid January Christmas with all of our family at a beautiful spot in a lodge on the mountain. Snow all around ...what could be more Christmasy!

Then came spring.... I love spring. It always makes me think of Mom as she loved spring. The daffodils push their golden heads up thru the ground brightening up every day even if the days are still gray and sometimes even rainy.

Then a little later our goldfinches arrive at the bird feeder. They add more golden cheer to the days. Yesterday I saw eleven of them all trying to feed at the same time. That just doesn't work so some of them are hanging on the wire that holds the feeder until one of the others leave so they can have a chance for their breakfast. We had to buy a new feeder this year because the old one we had held too much seed and they were emptying it by mid day.... this one is harder for the BIG birds to feed at (they eat TOO much) and our smaller birds have more of a chance to feed. The seed gets spendy so now they are on a limited diet : )

So LIFE IS GOOD... Everybody is happy and moving on in life. Our grandkids are growing up so quickly. We have #4 (Tanner) graduating from high school this year. That puts us 1/2 way thru graduations.... Four more to go after Tanner this year and they will ALL be out of high school.... Time and generations march on....

So such is life on this special day. I say "special" because each and every day is special but we so often forget that. Live each one for the beauty it has in it and don't worry about the ones gone by (there is nothing we can do about them) and don't worry about the ones coming up because the Lord had them all planned out for us and remember HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US and He has the rest of each of our lives planned out to every last detail for us ahead of time so we can just rest in His arms and enjoy life to it's fullest.

Love you all !

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Kitty's Rough Life

Poor Chester. He leads such a traumatic life sometimes. But he brings it all on himself as he just doesn't trust anyone but Bob and I! What can I say. Humans are just NOT his thing....although he does love and trust us as he sleeps on the foot of our bed every night but is outside most of the day coming in on occasion for food, love and/or his favorite treat..
Today was not one of his good days, however. We had some work done in the yard and he couldn't be outside while they were doing it so last night he came in as usual BUT this morning we couldn't let him outside and he was not a "happy camper" to say the least. First he goes to the door and just meows which gets louder and more forceful and when that brings no response from me, he starts in with this HOWL !!
It gets louder and louder trying to get my attention until he finally gives up and jumps up on the back of the couch so he can at least LOOK at his outside domain.
Today, however, he sort of lucked out because yesterday he got a postcard in the mail asking him to let us know it was time for his yearly shots and exam at the vets office. SO I thought to myself....if I could possibly get that scheduled today he would only have to stay in one morning! (He usually disappears for most of the day when he goes out so to be sure he is here for an app't, we have to keep him in.) Anyway , just taking a chance, I called the vet to see if I could possibly get him in today so we could (so to speak) kill two birds with one stone and he would only have to stay in one morning. And sure enough, they got me a 10:15 time slot.
So we took a little drive to the vet's office (1/2 a block down the road) and he got that all done including some extra grooming which means getting all of the hair mats off of his belly as his long hair always gets all matted over the winter and he won't let ME touch his belly to get them out but he is so afraid of the vet and her assistant that he just trembles and lets them do whatever they want to him.
She said he won the "Best Kitty award of the day with his behavior." I was very proud of him!

So we got all that done, I ran to the post office with him in the front seat of the truck (in his carrier, of course) and went for a latte before bringing him back home because he still couldn't go outside here. I brought him in and let him out of his carrier and he immediately RAN down the hall and disappeared. We did finally find him hid under far side of the guest bed in the first bedroom. Then when he could go out and we went to find him, he was gone so we had to do a house search. I am still not quite sure where he had been hiding the second time, but he finally came strolling down the hall with BIG eyes observing everything to be sure there wasn't some big monster waiting to grab him before our eyes.

I let him outside and I haven't see him since but you can be sure he will be here for his treat later in the day and hopefully forgive us for his rough day. Oh, the life of a cat can be SO complicated sometimes !!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Me Again - Surprised ?

Well, here I sit again thinking of nothing to say.... what have I done lately ??
Had a really fun weekend with three of my favorite gals.... We spent the whole weekend - from Friday morning (after we got home from our tsunami alert evacuation that is)until Sunday afternoon just shuffling paper, photos, adhesive, and other misc items to hang on to those precious memories that we enjoy and then forget a lot of the details as the weeks, months and years go by. It is so fun to relive those special days, vacations and remember all of the great moments in life the Lord gives us !! The process was fun and the company very special. I managed to get 56 pages done in my last years vacation album. Now I just have to put it together and it will be all finished. What an accomplishment. Feels really good.

Oh, you are curious about our little tsunami episode?? We heard about the Japan earthquake before we went to bed Thursday nite when our weather alert radio alarm went off in the hallway... Bob stayed up to watch the news awhile and nothing was predicted to hit here until morning so we got up about 5 am to check on things and they were suggesting an evacuation to be safe. We headed up to our new Costco parking lot which is high ground, with Bob checking into the net with his amateur radio so we knew what was going on. Nothing happened here but it did serve as a great drill to see how prepared or not prepared we really are here. Southern Oregon did get some waves that did a little damage but nothing severe.

Things are back to normal now.... had a great thunder storm yesterday.. There's just something about a good thunder storm I enjoy. It just reminds me of God's fantastic power and how He can get our attention. From the tsunami to the thundering clouds the next day we know HE REALLY IS IN CONTROL and He can do pretty much what He desires to get our attention !

I'll never forget our thunder storm on Dow Road when the lightening hit our house when the kids were little. That's one thing in life one never forgets. The deafening crash, ozone smell, the flash all at one time and then the outlet in our bedroom catching on fire. Oh everything turned out ok but it was a bit scary at the time.

OK, enough for today. I have lots to do today and not a lot of time to do it so I am off....good to talk to myself today.... Have a good day if anyone reads this !

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do It Now

Do it now - that was the last entry I did on my blog last year. Why have I not blogged for so long. No real reason. Sometimes nothing comes into my head and guess I have just been too busy to even think about blogging but then that isn't really a good excuse either so I REALLY don't know why I haven't. I suppose Facebook has sort of taken over but it will never replace a spot where one can really sit down and ponder what has been going on in life and just sit down and put it on paper. Facebook doesn't really replace the thought that can go into a blog.
I get frustrated at times when people come up with a one liner and it is never explained what is going on. I don't call that communication. It just makes me wondering what happened or is going to happen and it leaves me feel like...OK, what is going on here. Is this something I could be praying about or something I could be celebrating with this person. Leaves my hanging....that is frustrating !

I went back this morning and read some of my former blogs and they were actually sort on interesting. One wonders sometime how much of life goes by and we sort of forget about all of fun little interesting little things that go on.
So I have no agenda at all this morning as I sit here with my cup of coffee listening to the winds we are getting this morning. We just had a 58 mile an hour gust they just said on the radio. Of course it is garbage day so our can is sitting by the road waiting to be picked up by the garbage truck.That may or may not happen as he doesn't get out of his truck and if it is laying on it's side it just stays there. It has already been picked up out of the driveway twice this morning because the wind blew it over. Luckily, ours is always in plastic bags tied shut so it didn't spill out onto the road. The neighbors down the road had things flying all over their yard. Plastic bags, cartons etc just enjoying a little trip flying thru the air to land where ever. (OHHHH - there went ours again - another THUD and sure enough it is on it's side. Maybe Bob will be up soon, it's his turn I think !!)
See, now wasn't that one thing you really needed to know this little episode with our garbage can. Sometimes I wonder why my friends (one especially !!) keeps bugging me to blog. I know you just wouldn't have been happy going thru this day not knowing I am having a battle with my garbage can ! I'm sure that will REALLY MAKE YOUR DAY ! That was really one piece of info you just couldn't live without today, right ??

Life is good. We continue to keep busy...I have cut back on some things to just have more time for some other things but I still have enough to more than keep me busy. I am enjoying more time to myself though. I still go to the Animal Shelter every Tuesday. I just realized the other day that I started going out there every Tuesday in 2004 right after I retired. I had a gal going to my WW meeting that volunteered out there and she told me about it and then Chester and Samantha (our two little feral kittys) showed up on our doorstep as wild as could be and I went out there to get a trap to catch them and have them neutered and spayed so we wouldn't get more feral kittens around and put in a volunteer sheet and began working shortly thereafter. I still love going out there. I volunteer in the kitty room just socializing and petting them so they are feeling loved which makes them adjust better to their situation and therefore easier to get adopted. It was hard at first because you feel sorry for them and want to take them all home but it doesn't take long to realize that is not possible but I can make their lives better while they are looking for their new "forever" homes.

Other than that I still have my Weight Watchers job and enjoy that very much too. Keeps me hopping sometime but It is a very rewarding and fun job.I have a great team that works with me and we really have grown close to each other.
Ok... Bob just walked into the room (sent him out to get the garbage can this time) and I can't concentrate now so this will be it for today.
(Are you happy, Jan !! )