This is my new motto ! I have gotten so bad about putting things off it is driving me crazy. Like when the dryer stops - my resolution when I retired was to not pile the clothes in the clothes basket and set them aside but to fold them as they come out of the dryer (well - That didn't happen) Although that one doesn't bother me too much as that is one thing I can do when we sit down to watch TV.. so I am pretty much ok with that one.
BUT the clothes that I hang on the hook so they won't get wrinkled do tend to hang there way too long. It really doesn't take anymore time to go hang them right up instead of putting them on the hook in the laundry room and then look at them each time I go thru there.
We all have things I'm sure that bug us - little rituals we set in our minds as important. I remember Mom's was always a dirty bathtub. Now think about it - how many dirty bathtubs do you really ever see but that was her hangup. She always said if my bathtub is clean I feel good. Well OK that doesn't seem to be a problem for me...Not that I often have a dirty bathtub but it just isn't my particular hangup.
However, dirty dishes in the sink is.... Somehow I just don't like to see dirty dishes in there for some reason. It just takes a second to rinse them and stick them out of sight in the dishwasher.
Or how about mail that lays on the table waiting to be decided what to do with it.
Get it in the wastebasket if it isn't important and if it is then put it where it won't get lost! That's my motto. I have solved that one by putting it in a basket where it is safe until we forget about it - then go thru it and half of it isn't really as important as we thought and it gets sorted out then.
Now then - we get to people that are always late.... That one REALLY gets me. I like to be EARLY if anything. We had some people that were always late for our Bible Class at our old church and someone said "Well, we should start later." No Way Hosea - They would have just arrived later yet as that was just their practice. Let them sheepishly tiptoe in late if they can't leave on time !
Then there is even my cat with his "late" problem only he isn't late really, just stubborn. Cats live their own lives you know and sometimes they give in to our desires but not usually. He will come RUNNING across the yard when I call him like he just can't wait to come in THEN he comes to a screeching halt right outside the door which I am holding open for him - STOPS and SITS DOWN and looks at me with his sweet little face ! Then after awhile he stands up, stretches with his front feet, then leisurely with his back feet and then sits down again. By then I usually shut the door in his face and then open it up again and usually he will slowly tiptoe in at his own pace. We can get even with him though if Bob is sitting in his chair I ask him to shake Chesters "treat" jar so the way to get him in is thru his stomach!
Clutter is another thing that doesn't get along with me much although I have PLENTY of it around. Sometimes my desk gets so I can't even see the top. Then I just have to sit down and start going thru it. Why can't I just put things neatly in a file drawer or a box instead of piling them up in a stack to "put away later because I'm in a hurry now." In a hurry for what ?...
Then there's our new coffee pot. It is a "one cup at a time" pot (LOVE IT!) but when it is low on water you have to take out the canister and fill it and it always seemed to be out of water when you wanted your coffee the most SO now I fill it when it is half full and that problem was solved! There are solutions to what bugs us if we can just be flexible and think about ways to make life more enjoyable and not always just get uptight!
My time is pretty much used how I want to spend it. There's not too much I am tied down to when it comes to time. Just in my head I think "I'll do that later !" WHY? WHY NOT NOW ? It takes no more time to do it now and then it is done, out of sight and I feel good about it...Life is funny sometimes. We do things that bug us and then never really wonder why we get upset with ourselves because things aren't the way we want them to be.
RELAX - ENJOY LIFE AS THE GIFT THAT GOD HAS GIVEN US AND DON'T GET HUNG UP ON THE LITTLE THINGS. They aren't really that important in the real scope of things.
Save yourself an ulcer or worse....Go with the flow and ask yourself "Does this really matter enough to get up tight about it ?" JUST DO IT NOW AND IT IS DONE!