Thursday, February 26, 2009

Having a Bad Day ?

No day is so bad, it can't be fixed with a nap !!!

Just ask Chester....

Monday, February 23, 2009

Whatever Is He Thinking?

Will you look at this little guy ! This is a little tulip blooming in my back yard. Doesn't he know that tulips bloom in late March or April ?? But there he is - small with hardly any stem but it just goes to show perserverence will always win. If you want to bloom bad enough, just put out the energy and it can happen. A good lesson for ALL OF US ! Never give up. If you really want to do something just GO FOR IT AND YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH GREAT UNEXPECTED THINGS !

Friday, February 6, 2009

How Important is YOUR coffee Filter ?

They come in all sizes and shapes BUT have you really thought much about them lately. Oh sure, you pull one out when you want a pot of coffee and push it rudely into the little plastic cup BUT do you really appreciate it ????
I went to a Gal's Nite Out at church Monday night and found out how important it really can be in your life! We each were asked to share some sort of organizational tip that we use to keep our life in better order. From the 25-30 ladies there things ranged from super simple recipes to how to color coordinate and arrange each and every single item in your closet and drawers(phew) And then one lady stood up and handed us a little sheet of paper with 14 ways to use a coffee filter. Now this is practical stuff !
Check these out!!
1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microware.
2. Clean windows, eyeglasses and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free and make them sparkle!
3. Protect china. Separate your good dishes by putting a filter between each dish.
4. Filter broken cork from wine, vinegar or whatever if you break the cork while opening. (Don't think I have ever broken a cork but guess I will file that one away - just in case : )
5. Protect cast-iron skillet with a filter to absorb moisture and prevent rust. (Like that one, Chel? )
6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free filter.
7. Recycle frying oil. Strain oil thru a sieve lined with a filter
8. Weigh chopped food by placing the ingredients in a coffee filter on the kitchen scale.
9. Hold tacos. Makes convenient wrappers for messy foods.
10. Line plant pot with a filter to prevent soil from going thru the drainage holes. (This was my favorite!)
11. Prevent Popsicles from dripping by poking a hole in the coffee filter and sticking the stick thru it.
12. Place a few on a plate and put bacon, french fries etc to soak up the grease.
13. Keep in the bathroom as they make great razor nick fixers (What on earth do you do here .. stick the filter on your leg?? Not quite sure how that would look. Wouldn't it would flop when you walked?
14. My Least Favorite! Use strips of coffee filters in place of expensive strips to wax eyebrows.... OK - I have never waxed my eyebrows in my life so not sure how this works. Don't think I will file that one.

SO you can see how impotant a coffee filter can really be in your life? So the next time you stick one in the plastic holder of your coffee pot, TAKE A MINUTE TO THANK HIM FOR HOW VERSATILE HE REALLY IS !We do things for granted, don't we !
Have a great day - I know you ALL really needed this information.